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Playing A Singing Bowl

Singing bowls are excellent tools for relaxation, healing and even meditation purposes. When played correctly, they are capable of producing resonant and harmonious sounds that are very pleasing to hear. Being able to learn how to play such will require some simple steps and will take just a minimal amount of time in practicing it.


Holding the Singing Bowl -make sure to hold the singing bowl in the palm of your hands. See to it that your fingers are not curled around the bowl; instead, they have to be flat and that is also comfortable to you. Typical positions include stomach level, resting in your lap if you are in a sitting potion or near your heart level. In the event that the bowl is too heavy or too large for you to comfortably hold in your hand, it will be ideal to place it in a flat and hard surface similar to a table or floor. Be certain to put a soft cloth beneath it prior to doing so.


As a matter of fact, there are 2 different techniques on how you could play singing bowls and this includes striking the bowl and the other is by singing the bowl. Later on, you will discover the difference between the two.


Striking the Bowl


Using a padded mallet, you will just need to strike the rim of your bowl. This particular technique is capable of creating a sound that is resonating for a while after the 1st strike. You can also learn these techniques from See to it that you have directly hit the bowl's rim and not its side because hitting its sides would only produce a muddled sound.


Increasing the strength of each strike you make is going to produce a more powerful and louder tone. However, be careful when striking the bowl as too much force could generate unpleasant and dissonant sound.


Singing the Bowl


With your hand close to the bowl and in a relax position, make sure to firmly hold the unpadded and wooded mallet towards the rim. The experts from Vibrational Sound Association (VSA) can explain this further. By applying even and constant pressure, rub the mallet slowly towards the rim of the bowl. Do this until the bowl's sound has reached a full and strong tone.


A rattling sound indicates that you are hitting too fast and might also require to apply greater amount of pressure. As soon as the bowl has reached the full town, you could vary mallet's speed in order to modify its sound. Usually, a slower speed will create less intense while a faster pace generates a more active tone. 

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